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Hello... I'm Jack..

Producer, content creator, cameraman, editor, journalist, presenter... and that's to name a few of the roles I have done in the last few years.

Sport has always been a passion for me. No matter the sport or who is playing I am always engaged in the action taking place.

I've created this website as a way of presenting my work for all to see. I have finished studying a Sports Broadcasting MSc at Cardiff Metropolitan University, where I have been given the chance to gain experience in many roles relating to the production of sports content. My content has been produced for a variety of mediums such as television, radio, social media and print.

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-11 at

My client list includes...

Here is a little bit about myself...

A look at some of the content I have previously filmed, created and produced...

Here is a look at some of my past achievement and highlights 

If you want to get in touch with me about a project or opportunities click here...

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